Troubleshooting invites

When inviting a user to your database, ActivityInfo will send an invitation to that user’s email address.

Invite pending

When someone has never used ActivityInfo before, for any database, they are sent an invitation email with a link to activate their account. Until they follow the link and activate their account, their account remains pending, and an “Invite pending” bubble is displayed next to their name.

If a user does not receive the email and their account remains in “invite pending” state, we recommend the following steps:

Ask the user to check their spam folder

We work hard to ensure that notification emails from ActivityInfo arrive promptly in user’s email boxes, but it can still happen that our emails are misclassfied by spam filters.

Ask the user’s IT department to add ActivityInfo to an allowlist

Many email systems maintain an allowlist (or a “whitelist”) of email address that are known to be legitimate sender. You can ask your user’s IT department, or your own IT department, to add “” to the allow list.

Resend the invitation

Select the user, then click “Delete user”.

Now you can add the user again, and they will receive a new invitation.

Invalid email

When an invitation email is rejected by a user’s organization’s mail server, ActivityInfo marks that email address as undeliverable.

To resolve this, you can take the following steps:

Double-check the email address

In most cases, there is a mistake in the email address entered. Double check with your colleague or partner. If you find an error, delete the user with the invalid email address, and add the user again with the correct email address.

Check whether the user has been on a contract break

In some cases, a person with an email address like “” may leave their organization, only to be rehired in a new role a few months (or years) later.

If ActivityInfo tries to send an email to them during their contract break, it will be rejected by UNICEF’s email servers, and marked as invalid email address.

When the person returns to UNICEF after their contract break, ActivityInfo will still consider their email address to be invalid, even if its reactivated and reassigned to the same person.

To request reactivation of an email address, contact

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Exporting user permissions