Exporting user permissions

This article describes how to export user permission details from a Database.

Do you need an overview of the user permissions in a specific Database? You can export information about all the users added in the Database in the form of an export list. You can also use this list to analyze which users have taken which license types.

The export list includes the following information for each user:

  • User ID
  • Email address
  • Name
  • Time of invitation sent to user
  • Activation status
  • Email delivery status: The value of this Field can be OK, UNKNOWN or HARD_BOUNCE.
    OK means at least one system email has been delivered to the user’s email server.
    UNKNOWN signals that there have been no system messages delivered to this user (such as invitation to join Databases, password reset, weekly risk digest, etc).
    HARD_BOUNCE indicates that the recipient’s mail server rejected our email. This could indicate that the email address is misspelled or otherwise incorrect, or that the person has left their function and their work email has been deactivated.

After a HARD_BOUNCE, the ActivityInfo server may not recognize that user email address as valid anymore. In this case, please contact our Support Team.

  • Last login time: Users may be invited to Databases owned by different billing accounts. The last login time is the time of their last login to their ActivityInfo account, not necessarily the he last time they accessed this specific Database on your billing account.
  • Assigned Role: Shows roles defined and assigned by the Database owner. For more information, see Understanding Roles.
  • Assigned Resources
  • Parameters
  • License type: The value of this Field can be “BASIC”, “FULL” or “NONE”. A user with a Database administrator role shows up as a “FULL” user in the exported report. Everyone else is a “BASIC” user. “NONE” refers to members of the ActivityInfo support team or deactivated users without any permissions.

The dates and times are in the same timezone your device is set to.

How to export user permissions

To export users details from a Database, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Database from which you wish to export the information.
  2. Click “Database settings.”
  3. Select “User management” on the left Navigation panel.
  1. Click "Export all" under “User management” to download the user information file.
  1. After the download is completed, click on the file in the Download Bar of your browser to open it.

Success, you exported the user permissions.

Next item
Changing a user's Role