Many ActivityInfo subscriptions include separate limits for full and basic users. This article describes how the license requirement is determined, and how to reduce the number of full users.
License requirements
Most users you invite to your Database require a user license:
- Users with a basic license have permission to view, add, edit, delete, and export Records.
- If a user has permissions beyond this basic set, a full users license is required.
- Deactivated users, or users with a “” email address do not require a user license at all.
License types are not explicitly assigned to users, rather users require a specific type of license based on the Role they have been assigned. For more information, see Understanding roles.
A unique user for example, identified by a unique email address, requires at most one license from your billing account, even if they are granted access to several Databases. The license requirement of a unique user is the highest across all Databases.
If a user has only basic permissions in one Database, but is assigned an Administrator role in another Database, they require a full user license.
Viewing license requirements
By navigating to the User management section of the Database Settings page, you can view which license type each user requires.
In the example above:
- Alice has been assigned the “Administrator” role and requires a full license.
- Bob has been assigned a role of “Reporting Partner” that grants only basic permissions, so only a basic license is required.
- Charlie has been assigned the role of “Deactivated”, which has no permissions, so they do not need a license at all.
Checking the roles
If a role is not configured optimally, it is possible that more users require a full license than you expect. In this case, you can review the Roles and remove any permissions that may have been unintentionally granted.
To view the permissions granted, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Roles section of the Database Settings page.
- In the “Resources” tab you can find the grants associated with this role.
- Click on the card to see the permissions that have been granted.
In this example, the Administrator Role has been granted permissions from the “Basic” section and also the “Design” section. This means that the user requires a full user license.
If you want to avoid using Full user licenses for this role, uncheck all permissions outside of the Basic section.