Adding a Calculated Field to a Report

Calculated Fields allow the usage of advanced Formulas, using the Formula editor to enhance data analysis. This article explains how to add a Calculated Field to a Pivot Table.

To add a Calculated field to a Report, follow these steps:

  1. Select the source of data, and construct a Pivot Table.

To create a Calculated Field you need to have collected data. Calculated Fields can only be created with Quantity fields, Single Selection fields or Multiple Selection fields.

  1. Navigate to “My reports.”
  2. Select the Report to which you want to add a Calculated field.
  3. Select the Field(s) you want to use from the list of the Fields and drag and drop the field(s) to Measures, then click "+ Add calculated field."
    Alternatively, click directly on "+ Add calculated field" without adding a Measure.
  1. The Formula editor appears. Under Functions (left-hand side) you can view the Functions available. Under Fields (right-hand side) you can view the Fields available. Start writing your Formula.
    For more information on Formulas, browse through the available functions in the Formula manual and learn more about writing Formulas .
  2. Click "Done" when the Formula is valid.
Invalid Formula, Done button disabled
Invalid Formula, Done button disabled
Valid Formula, Done button enabled
Valid Formula, Done button enabled

The “Done” button is disabled when the Formula invalid, then becomes enabled once the Formula is valid (again).

  1. In the Measures card, you can also edit the name of the Measure or delete it, set statistics for it, and select from different display and number format options.
Calculated field added to Report, this example
Calculated field added to Report, this example

Success, you added a Calculated field to a Pivot table.

Next item
Understanding Calculated Measures