Exporting billing account statistics

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to export your account statistics in ActivityInfo. Exporting account statistics allows you to retrieve information about your users including details such as database, unique users' information, user ID, user last login, activation status, and the database in which they are active.

To access this feature, you need to be a account owner of a paid subscription or have started a free trial.

Exporting account statistics

To export the report, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Account button located in the top right navigation menu.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select "Billing account" to access the billing account page.
  • On the billing account page, you will find various information about your users and subscription.
  • To export account statistics, click on the "Export account statistics" option. The system will automatically initiate the export process.
  • Once the export is completed, the statistics will be downloaded as an Excel workbook to your device.

Understanding the account statistics report

The export includes two worksheets: Databases and Unique Users.


The database worksheet includes a list of all databases that are counted towards your billing account.

Unique users

The Unique users worksheet includes a list of all individual users who have been invited to a database listed in the previous worksheet. If the same individual is invited to multiple databases owned by your billing account, they are only counted once towards your user limit, and appear in one row in the “unique users” worksheet.

The last login time is included for each user. If the cell is blank, the user has not yet logged into ActivityInfo.

Note that a user may be invited to databases owned by different billing accounts. The last login time is the time of their last login to ActivityInfo, regardless of which databases they access.

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