Update a database tree
Add, update or delete a resource, lock, or role in the database tree.
POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/{databaseId}
Request body
object | |||
resourceUpdates | array[object] | List of resources to add or update. | required |
id | string | The id of the resource to update. | required |
parentId | string | The id of this resource's new parent, for example, a folder id. If this is a top-level folder or form, the the parentId will be the id of the database itself. | optional |
label | string | The resource's updated human-readable label. | optional |
type | string | The resource's type, for new resources. Values:
optional |
visibility | string | The resource's visibility. Values:
optional |
icon | string | Icon for the resource. | optional |
resourceDeletions | array[string] | List of resource ids to delete from the database. | required |
lockUpdates | array[object] | List of locks to add or update | required |
id | string | This lock's id. | required |
label | string | A human-readable label for this lock | required |
resourceId | string | The resource (database, folder, form, or subform) to which this lock applies. | required |
dateRange | object | The date range to which this lock applies. | optional |
startDate | local_date | required | |
endDate | local_date | required | |
formula | string | The formula to which this rule based lock applies. | optional |
message | string | user description of the rule based lock. | optional |
deactivated | boolean | required | |
lockDeletions | array[string] | List of lock ids to delete | required |
roleUpdates | array[object] | List of roles to add or update. | required |
id | string | This role's id | required |
label | string | This role's human-readable label | required |
permissions | array[object] | Permissions granted this role. Applicable for legacy roles, for grant based roles it will be limited to permissions that are NOT related to resources, like MANAGE_USERS, MANAGE_ROLES |
required |
operation | string | Values:
required |
filter | string | A formula which restricts a permission to specific records. Only record-level permissions can be filtered. | optional |
securityCategories | array[string] | required | |
parameters | array[object] | Parameters defined for this role. Parameters can be referenced in filtering formulas. | required |
parameterId | string | required | |
label | string | required | |
range | string | required | |
filters | array[object] | Pre-defined filters. Role filters allow other users to choose filters for permissions without having to write formulas themselves. -- NOTEWORTHY - only used by legacy roles | required |
id | string | This filter's id. | required |
label | string | This filter's human-readable label | required |
filter | string | A formula that can be used to filter a record-level permission. | required |
grants | array[object] | required | |
resourceId | string | required | |
operations | array[string] | required | |
roleDeletions | array[string] | List of role ids to delete. | required |
languageUpdates | array[string] | List of languages to add or update | required |
languageDeletions | array[string] | List of languages to delete | required |
originalLanguage | string | Original language update | optional |
Successful response
object | |||
databaseId | string | This database's id | required |
userId | string | The id of the requesting user. The contents of the tree depends on the permissions of the requesting user. | optional |
version | string | The monotonically-increasing version of the database tree. The version number is incremented whenever a change is made that affects the database tree. | required |
label | string | This database's human-readable label. | required |
description | string | required | |
ownerRef | object | required | |
id | string | required | |
name | string | required | |
string | required | ||
language | string | Current database language | required |
originalLanguage | string | Original database language | optional |
languages | array[string] | The languages that have been defined for this database translation. | required |
suspended | boolean | True if this database is suspended for billing reasons | required |
role | object | The requesting user's assigned role in this database. | required |
roleId | string | The id of the role assigned to this user. | required |
roleParameters | object | The values of the parameters defined for this role. | required |
roleResources | array[string] | The resources (database, folder, forms, or subforms) to which the role's permissions are to apply. | required |
roles | array[object] | The roles that have been defined for this database. | required |
id | string | This role's id | required |
label | string | This role's human-readable label | required |
permissions | array[object] | Permissions granted this role. Applicable for legacy roles, for grant based roles it will be limited to permissions that are NOT related to resources, like MANAGE_USERS, MANAGE_ROLES |
required |
operation | string | Values:
required |
filter | string | A formula which restricts a permission to specific records. Only record-level permissions can be filtered. | optional |
securityCategories | array[string] | required | |
parameters | array[object] | Parameters defined for this role. Parameters can be referenced in filtering formulas. | required |
parameterId | string | required | |
label | string | required | |
range | string | required | |
filters | array[object] | Pre-defined filters. Role filters allow other users to choose filters for permissions without having to write formulas themselves. -- NOTEWORTHY - only used by legacy roles | required |
id | string | This filter's id. | required |
label | string | This filter's human-readable label | required |
filter | string | A formula that can be used to filter a record-level permission. | required |
grants | array[object] | required | |
resourceId | string | required | |
operations | array[string] | required | |
securityCategories | array[object] | The security categories that have been defined for this database. | required |
id | string | This security category's id | required |
label | string | This security category's human-readable label | required |
resources | array[object] | The set of resources (folders, forms, and subforms) that belong to this database. | required |
id | string | The resource's id. Form and subform resources must have globally-unique ids (across all of ActivityInfo) but folder ids are only guaranteed to be unique within a single database. | required |
type | string | The resource type. Values:
required |
parentId | string | The id of this resource's parent, for example, a folder id. If this is a top-level folder or form, the the parentId will be the id of the database itself. | required |
label | string | The resource's human-readable label. | required |
visibility | string | The resource's visibility. Values:
required |
locks | array[object] | The record locks that have been defined on this database. | required |
id | string | This lock's id. | required |
label | string | A human-readable label for this lock | required |
resourceId | string | The resource (database, folder, form, or subform) to which this lock applies. | required |
dateRange | object | The date range to which this lock applies. | optional |
startDate | local_date | required | |
endDate | local_date | required | |
formula | string | The formula to which this rule based lock applies. | optional |
message | string | user description of the rule based lock. | optional |
deactivated | boolean | required | |
grants | array[object] | The permission grants that have been made to the requesting user for this database. | required |
resourceId | string | required | |
operations | array[string] | required | |
billingAccountId | integer | required |
Error responses
Status Code | Error Code | Description |
The request must be authenticated |
Add a folder
You can add a folder by including it in the list of resourceUpdates
. If a folder with the given id does not exist, it will be added.
curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5 \
-u anything:APITOKEN \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"resourceUpdates": [
"id": "ceponkikiswy1bt2",
"parentId": "ck8oykh8m5",
"label": "My new folder",
"type": "FOLDER"
"id": "clfl7zq12ohs",
"parentId": "ceponkikiswy1bt2",
"label": "My subfolder",
"type": "FOLDER"
Delete a form, folder, or report from the database.
You can delete a resource by including its id in the resourceDeletions
list. Note that subforms cannot be deleted through this endpoint, a subform can only be deleted by removing its field from the form schema.
curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5 \
-u anything:APITOKEN \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"resourceDeletions": [
Add new role
curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5 \
-u anything:APITOKEN \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"roleUpdates": [
"id": "cht8p4kdeimokm5",
"label": "Reporting partner",
"permissions": [
"operation": "VIEW",
"filter": "REPORTING_PARTNER == @user.partner && INCIDENT_TYPE != 'GBV'"
"operation": "EDIT_RECORD",
"filter": "REPORTING_PARTNER == @user.partner && INCIDENT_TYPE != 'GBV'"
"operation": "ADD_RECORD",
"filter": "REPORTING_PARTNER == @user.partner && INCIDENT_TYPE != 'GBV'"
"operation": "EXPORT_RECORDS"
"parameters": [
"parameterId": "partner",
"label": "Partner",
"range": "ck8oyloog8"
"filters": [
"id": "partner",
"label": "where record is the user's partner and is not GBV",
"filter": "REPORTING_PARTNER == @user.partner && INCIDENT_TYPE != 'GBV'"
"version": 0,
"grantBased": false
Add rule based lock
curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5 \
-u anything:APITOKEN \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"lockUpdates": [
"id": "clfl85yy0sdi8uc1",
"label": "February reporting",
"resourceId": "ck8oykh8m5",
"dateRange": {
"start": "2023-01-01",
"end": "2023-01-31"
"deactivated": false
Set original language
curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5 \
-u anything:APITOKEN \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"originalLanguage": "FR"
Add languages for translation
curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5 \
-u anything:APITOKEN \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << EOF
"languageUpdates": [