Relocate form

Relocate form

Relocates a form to a different database. The form's records, their record history, and audit log are preserved and will be visible in the new database.

You must have permission to delete the form from its current database, and permission to add a form in the new database.



Request body


databaseId string The id of the database to which this form should be transferred required


Status Code Error Code Description
200 RELOCATED The form has been successfully relocated.
400 CANNOT_RELOCATE_TO_SAME_DATABASE The source and target databases are the same.
400 SUB_FORMS_CANNOT_BE_RELOCATED The form requested to relocate is a subform. Only top level forms can be relocated.
401 AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED The request must be authenticated
403 ADDING_FORM_FORBIDDEN The authenticated user does not have permission to add the form to the target database.
403 DELETING_FORM_FORBIDDEN The authenticated user does not have permission to delete the form from its current database.
404 DATABASE_NOT_FOUND Either the source or target database does not exist.
404 FORM_NOT_FOUND No such form with this id exists in the given database.
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