Get billing account

Gets information about a billing account.



Successful response


id integer The id of the billing account. required
code string The subscription's 3-digit code in the format "SUB000" used for support and billing. required
name string The name of this billing account. required
trial boolean True if this is a trial account. required
expirationTime float The expiration time of the account, in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 required
userLimit integer The (total) user limit associated with this billing account. required
fullUserLimit integer The full user limit associated with this billing account required
userCount integer The current number of unique users invited to any databases owned by this billing account. This count may take a few minutes to update after a change to user permissions are made. required
databaseCount integer The current number of databases owned by this billing account. required
status string Values:
The account is active and in good standing.
The account is suspended due to non-payment. Databases are unchanged, but cannot be accessed.
The account has been closed and all databases have been deleted.
capped boolean True if the user limits are enforced in real-time. If false, the account has the flexibility to temporarily exceed their limits and upgrade later if needed. required
planName string The name of the plan that the billing account is subscribed to. required
automaticCollection boolean True if payment for this billing account is automatically collected via credit card upon expiry. required
accountCredits integer required

Error responses

Status Code Error Code Description
401 AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED The request must be authenticated
403 FORBIDDEN Permission denied
404 NOT_FOUND The resource could not be found
410 DELETED The resource has been deleted


curl -u anything:YOUR_API_TOKEN \
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Get billing account databases