Unlock database user

Unlocks the account of a database user so that they can log in again.


POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/{databaseId}/users/{userId}/unlock


Status Code Error Code Description
200 OK The user's account was successfully unlocked.
400 DATABASE_DELETED The database was deleted and no longer exists.
400 DATABASE_NOT_FOUND A database with this id could not be found.
400 USER_NOT_FOUND A user with this id could not be found in the database.
401 AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED The request must be authenticated
403 CANNOT_UNLOCK_SELF You cannot unlock your own account.
403 MANAGE_USER_PERMISSION_MISSING You do not have the permission to manage users in this database.
403 TRIAL_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN Administrators of trial databases cannot unlock user accounts.


curl -X POST https://www.activityinfo.org/resources/databases/ck8oykh8m5/users/432201/unlock \
  -u anything:APITOKEN
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