Locks are restrictions that prevent users from adding, editing or deleting records in a specific resource such as a Folder, Form, Subform or Database. Locks provide an additional layer of security and control to support effective and reliable data management.
Locks are used to prevent conflicts, and maintain consistency when multiple users are accessing or modifying the same data simultaneously. Locks play a crucial role in preserving the integrity of data versions after they have been validated within a Database.
In ActivityInfo, the following types of locks are available:
- Date range locks (Database, Folder, Form levels; locking records from certain periods of time; need a Key field within the Form)
- Rule-based locks (Form, Subform levels; locking records according to a formula, versatile)
Locks can be set as active or inactive, allowing for temporary suspension of a lock when necessary. For example, if a reviewer identifies areas that require edits in the locked resources, they can temporarily suspend the lock and make the necessary edits. For more information, see Suspending or Deleting a Lock.
Locks are universally applied to all users, irrespective of their role. If more granular permissions are required per role, this can be reflected in the in role design.
In humanitarian-based Information Management systems, Locks can be useful in various scenarios to ensure data integrity and security. Here are some examples:
- After data validation: Locks can be used to prevent any further changes to data once it has been validated by the relevant personnel. This ensures that the validated data remains intact and serves as a reliable source for analysis and decision-making.
- Compliance monitoring: Locks can be applied to specific indicators or data fields to enforce compliance with standards or regulations. For instance, in a humanitarian project that involves the distribution of relief items, locks can be used to prevent unauthorized changes to the quantity or distribution records, ensuring accurate tracking and accountability.
- Data freeze and archiving periods: In certain situations, it may be necessary to freeze data during critical phases of a humanitarian intervention. Locks can be employed to prevent any changes to the data during this period, avoiding potential disruptions caused by unauthorized alterations. Locks can be used to preserve historical data by preventing any modifications to archived records. This is particularly important for long-term monitoring and evaluation, as it ensures the availability of accurate and unaltered data for future reference and analysis.