Add and deploy a survey using a collection link

This article explains how to set up a survey Form, add a feedback questionnaire and collect responses with a collection link.

To successfully deploy a collection link, you need to first create a Database to store the incoming data. Then you need to design a Form, add Fields that can capture the survey questions and answers. Once the Survey design is done, you can deploy the survey using a collection link, and review the feedback. When you collected enough data, you can close the collection link.

You must have permission to add databases to follow this tutorial. If you don’t have this permission, you can sign up for a free trial of ActivityInfo.

Set up the Survey Form

Let’s set up a survey Form to collect participant feedback (name, satisfaction, comments). To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Database (eg. “My survey database”). If you do not yet have a Database, see Add a Database.

  2. Click “Add form.”

  3. Name the Form (eg. “Feedback survey”).

  4. Click “Add Field” to view the palette of available Field types.

  5. Create a Field that asks the user for their name:

  6. Select “Text” from the list of Field types.

  7. Enter “Your name” as the label.

  8. Enter “Providing your name is optional” in the Description field.

  9. Click “Done” to save the changes.

  1. Add another Field that captures the satisfaction level of the user:

  2. Select “Single selection” from the list of Field types.

  3. Enter “How satisfied were you with the service you received?” as the Label.

  4. Check the “Required” checkbox in the list of Settings.

  5. Enter “Satisfied” in the first row in the Options section.

  6. Click “Add option” to add another Option.

  7. Enter “Neither satisfied nor dissatisifed” in the second row.

  8. Click “Add option” to add another Option.

  9. Enter “Dissatisfied” in the third row.

  10. Click “Done” to save the changes and close the Field card.

  1. Add a Multi-line text Field to capture any additional comments the survey answering people may have:

  2. Move your mouse cursor under the last question, and a “+” button appears.

  3. Click the “+” button to add another Field.

  4. Select “Multi-line text” from the list of Field types.

  5. Enter “Any other comments?” in the label.

  6. Click “Done” to close the Field card.

  7. Click “Save” to save the Form.

  1. The Form is created and you are redirected to the default view of your Form (which is the default view until you change it, Changing the Default view)

After creating the Form with the appropriate Fields (survey questions), the Table View of the Form opens.

  1. From the toolbar, click “Collection link.”
  2. Click “Open now.”
  1. Click “Copy URL.”

You can now share the collection link via email, WhatsApp or other messaging platforms with your audience.

  1. Navigate back to your database and click on the “Feedback survey” Form. This shows the default Table View of your survey.

Submit a response

When you have collected enough responses, you can close the Collection Link. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Collection link” button in the toolbar
  2. Click the “Close collection link” button

If you try to open the link that was previously shared, ActivityInfo informs users that the link has been closed.

Next item
Submit a response using a collection link