Translating a Database (automatic or manual)

This article explains how to translate a Database automatically or manually.

Once the Database has a defined original language and a target translation language, then you can choose to translate your Database automatically or manually.

There is a fair-use limit on the number of characters that can be translated. If you encounter an error message regarding translation credits, request a top-up by contacting our Helpdesk.

Error message
Error message

Automatic translation

To translate your Database automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Database you wish to translate.
  2. Click “Database settings.”
  3. Click “Translations” on the left navigation panel.
  1. Click “Translate automatically now” on the Language side panel.

The automatic translation process can take up to several minutes, depending on the size of your Database and the number of Forms to be translated.

  1. You can check if the translation is correct through the following means:
  • Navigate to the “Profile” menu to temporarily switch your language settings
  • Click “Enter translation mode” and clear each flagged field one by one. Apply the changes by clicking “Save” then click “Exit translation mode.”

Manual translation

To translate your Database manually, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Database you wish to translate.
  2. Click “Database settings.”
  3. Click “Translations” on the left navigation panel.
  4. Select “Enter translation mode” on the right side Language panel.

You can translate the Database, the Form fields along with their Descriptions and Choices using this interface.

  1. Type in the name of the Database in the target language.
  2. Click “Save” to save your changes.
  3. Click “Exit translation mode” to exit the interface.
  4. Check the translation by navigating to the “Profile” menu and temporarily switching your language settings.
  5. Select a language for which you made translations.
  6. The translated version is displayed in the “Data Entry”, “Table View” and “Database Design” sections.

Congratulations, you set up a multilingual database!

Next up: Setting up the translation of Fields in a Form.

Next item
Duplicating a Database