

updateRole() updates the role definition in the database. A role is defined with the role function, which implements the grant-based role system of ActivityInfo. updateRole() will also silently add a new role if the role id has not yet been used.


updateRole(databaseId, role)
addRole(databaseId, role)
deleteRoles(databaseId, roleIds)


Argument Description
databaseId the id of the database
role the role definition
roleIds the ids of the roles to be deleted. It should be passed as a character vector.


addRole() will add a new role definition and will stop the script if the role already exists.

deleteRoles() can take a list of role ids and will delete those. It will provide a warning if any role id was not found but will continue and delete any ids that do exist.

Older style non-grant roles are deprecated. See resourcePermissions for more details for old roles without grants. These will be phased out of use and should be avoided.


# Use the current grant-based roles; legacy roles are deprecated
grantBased = TRUE
dbId = "cxy123"

if (grantBased) {
  currentGrantBasedRole <- 
    role(id = "rp",
        label = "Reporting Partner",
        parameters = list(
         parameter(id = "partner", label = "Partner", range = "ck5dxt1712")),
        grants = list(
          grant(resourceId = "cq9xyz1552",
            permissions = resourcePermissions(
              view = "ck5dxt1712 == @user.partner",
             edit_record = "ck5dxt1712 == @user.partner",
              discover = TRUE,
              export_records = TRUE)),
          grant(resourceId = "cz55555555",
            permissions = resourcePermissions(
             view = TRUE,
              discover = TRUE,
              add_record = TRUE),
            optional = TRUE))

  # Duplicate the role with a different id
  currentGrantBasedRole2 <- currentGrantBasedRole
  currentGrantBasedRole2$id <- "rp2"

  addRole(dbId, currentGrantBasedRole)
  addRole(dbId, currentGrantBasedRole2)
  currentGrantBasedRole$label <- "Original reporting orgs"
  updateRole(dbId, currentGrantBasedRole)
  deleteRoles(dbId, c(currentGrantBasedRole$id,currentGrantBasedRole2$id))
  # delete all roles containing "readonly" - will fail if assigned to a user
  remainingRoles <- sapply((getDatabaseTree(dbId))$roles, function(x) x$id)
  readOnlyRoles <- remainingRoles[grepl("readonly", remainingRoles)]
  deleteRoles(dbId, roleIds = readOnlyRoles)
} else {
  # These older-style roles will be phased out.
  deprecatedNonGrantRole <- list(
    id = "rp",
    label = "Reporting partner",
    permissions = resourcePermissions(
      view = "ck5dxt1712 == @user.partner",
      edit_record = "ck5dxt1712 == @user.partner",
      export_records = TRUE
    parameters = list(
        id = "partner",
        label = "Partner",
        range = "ck5dxt1712"
    filters = list(
        id = "partner",
        label = "partner is user's partner",
        filter = "ck5dxt1712 == @user.partner"
  updateRole("cxy123", deprecatedNonGrantRole)
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