

A Quantity field allow users to enter a numerical value. You can define the units and the aggregation function.


  description = NULL,
  units = "",
  aggregation = "SUM",
  code = NULL,
  id = cuid(),
  required = FALSE,
  hideFromEntry = FALSE,
  hideInTable = FALSE,
  relevanceRule = "",
  validationRule = "",
  reviewerOnly = FALSE


Argument Description
label The label of the form field
description The description of the form field
units A character string describing the units, e.g. "litres per day"
aggregation A character string giving the aggregation function; "SUM" is default
code The code name of the form field
id The id of the form Field; default is to generate a new cuid
required Whether the form field is required; default is FALSE
hideFromEntry Whether the form field is hidden during data entry; default is FALSE
hideInTable Whether the form field is hidden during data display; default is FALSE
relevanceRule Relevance rules for the form field given as a single character string; default is ""
validationRule Validation rules for the form field given as a single character string; default is ""
reviewerOnly Whether the form field is for reviewers only; default is FALSE


A quantity field cannot be a key field.

See also

Other field schemas: attachmentFieldSchema , barcodeFieldSchema , calculatedFieldSchema , dateFieldSchema , formFieldSchema , geopointFieldSchema , monthFieldSchema , multilineFieldSchema , multipleSelectFieldSchema , referenceFieldSchema , sectionFieldSchema , serialNumberFieldSchema , singleSelectFieldSchema , subformFieldSchema , userFieldSchema , weekFieldSchema

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