

This function helps to create new form schemas for existing datasets.


  keyColumns = character(),
  requiredColumns = keyColumns,
  logicalAsSingleSelect = TRUE,
  logicalText = c("True", "False"),
  codes = rep(NA_character_, ncol(x)),
  upload = FALSE,
  parentFormId = NULL,
  parentRecordIdColumn = NULL


Argument Description
x the data.frame or tibble for which to create form fields and a form schema
databaseId the id of the database to which the form should belong.
label the label of the new form
parentId The id of the database or folder to which this should be added. Defaults to the database. This argument only has an effect if upload is TRUE.
keyColumns a character vector of the column names of the form fields that should be form keys
requiredColumns a character vector of the column names of the form fields that should be required
logicalAsSingleSelect by default TRUE and converts logical columns in the data frame to a single select form field; if FALSE then it will convert TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0
logicalText the single select replacement values for c(TRUE, FALSE); default is c("True","False")
codes a character vector of field codes that must have the same length as the number of columns
upload immediately upload the new form
folderId Deprecated; use parentId. Optional id of a folder where the form should reside. This argument only has an effect if upload is TRUE.
parentFormId The parent form id when creating a sub-form.
parentRecordIdColumn The column with the parent record id. This is ignored during schema creation but used to link sub-form records to parent records.
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