Measure definition

This article describes what a Measure is in the context of analysis in ActivityInfo.

A Measure is a value that a function works on. Measures can be used as inputs into a formula or can be added into a Pivot Table for analysis.

A Measure can be generated from:

Aggregation of measures

In ActivityInfo, a set of Measures can be aggregated, or combined to reflect the value of the entire set.

A Measure can be aggregated in a formula by using a statistical function. When adding a Measure into a Pivot Table, it can be aggregated by selecting a summarization method.

Depending on the formula type a Measure is expressed in, different aggregation methods are available:

Type Statistical functions Pivot Table Summarization methods
Number AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTDISTINCT, FIRST, LAST, MAX, MIN, SUM Count, Count distinct, Sum, Average, Min, Max
String COUNT, COUNTDISTINCT, FIRST, LAST, MAX, MIN Count, Count distinct, Min, Max
Local date COUNT, COUNTDISTINCT, FIRST, LAST, MAX, MIN Count, Count distinct, Min, Max
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Pivot Table definition