
The MID function extracts a specified number of characters from the middle of a text value.


MID(text, start_num, number_characters)
Argument Type Required Description
text Text Yes Input text
start_num Numeric Yes Position of the first character you want to extract in text. The first character in text has start_num 0.
number_characters Numeric Yes Number of characters to extract


If the text argument is blank, or the number_of_characters is zero, then the result is a blank text value.


The MID function, like the LEFT and RIGHT functions, is useful in extracting information from coding systems.


Administrative divisions are often assigned P-Codes or Place codes to facilitate information sharing. These codes are often hierarchial, with different groups of characters corresponding to different administrative levels. Afghanistan, for example, is divided into 34 provinces, which are then divided into districts. The table below shows examples of P-Codes assigned by OCHA for districts:

P-Code Province District
AF1801 Takhar Taloqan
AF1802 Takhar Hazar Sumuch
AF1904 Kunduz Khan Abad
AF1905 Kunduz Imam Sahib

You can see from the example above that the third and fourth characters of the P-Code indicate the province: Takhar is 18, and Kunduz province is 19.

You can calculate this code by using the MID([P-Code], 2, 2) Formula.

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