
The FILTER function filters the rows in a source table by a condition calculated for each row in the specified table. The result of the function is a new table that includes only the rows that meet the specified condition.



The first argument must be a table expression, such as form id or another table function.

The second argument is an expression which is evaluated for row in TABLE.


Analyzing only high-priority locations

If you have a form AidLocations listing various sites where aid is to be distributed along with their priority levels.

Location ID Region Priority Level Aid Type
LOC123 RegionA High Food
LOC456 RegionB Low Medicine
LOC789 RegionA Medium Water
LOC696 RegionC High Shelter

You might want to focus your efforts on high-priority locations. You could use:

FILTER([AidLocations], [Priority Level] == "High")

The result would be:

Location ID Region Priority Level Aid Type
LOC123 RegionA High Food
LOC696 RegionC High Shelter

By using this FILTER function, you'll get a new table that only includes high-priority locations.

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