After logging in to your ActivityInfo (trial) account, you can add a database from a template, or create one yourself from scratch.
Add a database from a template
First time exploring ActivityInfo? We recommend you to pick a database template from the template library.
When you find the use case closest to your needs, click “Try this template” to read more about the specific use cases and create a database.
If you are logged in, the “Add database from template” form opens directly:
Otherwise you need to sign up for a free trial or login first.
Add a database from scratch
Want to create a database according to your own designs? To create a new database from scratch, follow these steps:
- Log in to ActivityInfo.
- From the databases page, click “Add database.”
- Click “Add database.”
- Enter the name of your programme or project in the “Database name” field.
- Select “Blank database.”
- Click “Add database.”
Congratulations, you created your first Database.