Understanding Automations in ActivityInfo


Automations in ActivityInfo help you optimize your workflows by reducing the tasks done manually. You can create automations tailored to your unique processes, so you can get value from your data more quickly.

Components of an Automation

In ActivityInfo, an automation is a sequence of actions taken based on events in your Database. Automations have three components:

  • triggers: the events that initiate the automation,
  • filters: any rules that define which events should result in an action being taken, and
  • actions: the task to be carried out.


An event is something that takes place in a Database. Events include changes that take place in records or forms.


Triggers are the specific events that initiate the automation. They define when an automation should be activated. You can select one of the following events to trigger an automation:

  • Add record
  • Edit record
  • Delete record

Only events that occur on a single record can trigger an automation. Bulk record events occurring when using the importer cannot trigger an automation.


Filters allow you to specify event conditions that must be met for the automation to run. You define a filter using a formula that evaluates to true or false. Formulas are defined using ActivityInfo’s built-in formula editor. If the formula evaluates to true for a given event, then the defined action will be taken. If an action depends on values contained in a record, you can refer to fields in the form for your formula.

When creating automations triggered when a record is edited, you can define a formula based on the changes made. In this case, the formula editor will display the previous values of the fields in the record. This is useful in scenarios where actions depend on a specific changes that occur. You can refer to the previous values in your formula using the keyword _previous.

For instance, imagine that a case manager needs to take action when a beneficiary becomes an adult. You can write a formula like _previous.age < 18 && age >= 18. This compares the previous age with the current one. When the value of the age field changes according to this formula, the filter condition is met. This event triggers a notification to the case manager, ensuring timely service delivery.


Actions are the tasks that the automation performs for events where the filter conditions are met. In ActivityInfo, Automation actions are limited to sending Webhooks to external applications. Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when an event occurs. They have a message—or payload— containing information about the event.

You would first generate a unique Webhook URL using an external application like Power Automate. You would then enter this into your automation in ActivityInfo. This is the destination to which information about your event will be sent when an automation runs. The external application then uses the information sent to perform other tasks like sending notifications.

Signing secrets

To ensure the authenticity of information sent using a Webhook, you can generate a signing secret. You can provide this to your external application to verify the information sent by ActivityInfo.

How Automations work

Only users who are assigned to a role with the “Manage automations” operation granted are allowed to create and modify automations. This operation allows the user to view (but not edit or delete) all resources across the database.

Automations are set up for a specific Form or Subform. Automations at a folder or database level are not supported. You can set up more than one automation in any given Form.

Note that Subforms do not inherit parent Form automations.

Automations must be set to “Active” in order to run. Whenever the specified trigger event occurs and matches the filter conditions, the automation is executed in ActivityInfo. Information about the event that initiated the automation is then sent to the Webhook URL provided. Any further actions you define in your external application will then be performed.


Here are some common scenarios where automations might be useful:

  • Notify a case worker when new cases are assigned to them
  • Notify a programme manager when implementing partners submit indicator reports
  • Notify supervisors when a beneficiary’s status changes


By using Automations in ActivityInfo, you can save time on your manual processes. Automations allow you to complete routine workflows effortlessly and take action on your data more quickly.

#Related Set up your first automation

#Related Using ActivityInfo with PowerAutomate

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Set up your first automation