RFQ template for procuring a Monitoring and Evaluation software

A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a procurement tool used in the social sector to facilitate the purchase of goods. It differs from a Request for Proposal (RFP) in terms of scope and complexity, selection criteria, and the supplier’s engagement.

RFPs vs RFQs

More specifically, an RFP states a problem and expected deliverables, and asks vendors to provide their approach to addressing the problem via a proposal. In the proposal, the vendor should cover a variety of topics that usually include the vendor’s technical expertise, the methodology to follow, sustainability plans, cost-effectiveness drivers, work plans and many more. The whole process is considered time-consuming and expensive and is usually preferred when the organization is called to solve a complex problem.

In ActivityInfo, even though we have participated in many RFPs and we acknowledge the RFP’s value in complex organizational information management challenges, we have also observed that the simplicity of a Request for Quotation (RFQ) helps an organization, that has identified the need for an off-the-shelf M&E software, move much faster through the procurement process.

RFQs in detail

A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a more straightforward process that focuses on pricing and delivery terms and can be used in the procurement of standard goods or services. In this sense, when your organization recognizes the need to purchase an off-the-shelf M&E software, it is possible to address its purchase as a standard good. It is possible to list all standardized requirements and objectively compare the available solutions based on their offered features and functionalities (usually available on the vendors’ websites or via a demo call).

It is advisable to create a list of requirements in consultation with the key stakeholders in your organization to make sure all needs are covered. With this article, we are providing you with a sample template to help your organization structure an RFQ. You can download and edit the template to meet your requirements here.

RFQ template for your organization

The template includes a section for your organization’s details and sections that help you articulate the need and the background of your organizations and the RFQ. It also lists a series of functionalities commonly required by M&E software (e.g. related to data collection, management, analysis, visualization, security etc.) as well as Support and Scalability requirements which you can adjust to your needs. The template also includes potential evaluation criteria and suggested required accompanying documents. Lastly, the template includes a Timeline section to help you plan around the RFQ process, a Contact information section and an optional section for additional information.

Interested in using an RFQ in your procurement process? Make sure to download the template and adjust it to your needs.

The ActivityInfo is happy to respond to Requests for Proposals too, so if your organization prefers that procurement option, you can always share an RFQ with us.