ActivityInfo as an M&E system for USAID programs

USAID funded programs need to meet a variety of data requirements set by the donor to be compliant and successful. Data collected must be traceable and auditable and there are high standards that must be met in relation to data quality and data security. In addition, cost effectiveness is crucial and learning from data is considered a key driving force for all projects.

How can an organization tackle all these data requirements? How can not only a proposal but the program itself cover such data concerns?

In this article, we look at how an information management system, such as ActivityInfo, can help organizations tackle challenges that undermine data quality and as a result their success.Time consuming data synthesis, poor quality and scattered data, duplicate effort and weak data security can all be dealt with. We also offer examples from the field and some tips on incorporating ActivityInfo in your budget forecast.

Overview of the Information System for the USAID funded Youth Excel Programme by IREX
Overview of the Information System for the USAID funded Youth Excel Programme by IREX

Curious to see ActivityInfo in action? Never hesitate to contact us for a customized demo.

How does ActivityInfo help you meet the obligations of your USAID program?

Timely and reliable data collection

  • Desktop and mobile app, online and offline: ActivityInfo offers desktop data entry capabilities and an integrated mobile application (Android and iOS) which allows you to collect data online or offline. This makes it possible to reach remote locations and address Internet connectivity challenges and is a highly recommended functionality when selecting a solution for USAID programs. Data is synced to the databases of the platform as soon as the user connects to the Internet.
  • Web based and integrated: Because it is web based, data is updated in real time so users always have the latest version of the data. The mobile app is directly integrated with the platform so users don’t need to connect tools in any way or move the data from one system to another. Everything is synced automatically, unlike tools based on the ODK ecosystem. This eliminates data loss, data mismatch and data security risks which could result from data transfers (e.g. from data collection app to excel spreadsheets to visualization software).
  • Geographic data needs: As for geographic data, ActivityInfo offers mapping features that allow users to visualize standard geographic data in thematic and interactive maps, offering a selection of basemaps, icons and colors. Data displayed on maps is updated as the information comes into the system so users always see the latest available information. For very advanced spatial analysis, sometimes required in USAID environmental or agriculture programs, users can integrate the platform with specialized GIS tools.

Indicator tracking and reporting

  • Linked databases and data collection forms: Users can build data collection forms for indicator tracking and link them to each other so as to create relationships between the datasets. Multiple organizations leverage the relational database model on which the platform is based, to not only monitor project data but also create high level, consolidated reports for the HQs or donors. This way, they reflect the progress of multiple projects and the impact of the organization as a whole. Additionally, the relational database model facilitates the design of other structures that can be used for beneficiary tracking, case management, longitudinal studies, and many more.
  • Data quality rules for high quality standards: ActivityInfo allows users to create simple or advanced validation rules using formulas to control what data can be added to the forms. In addition, more features such as a powerful importer, locks, default values, unique field constraints and many more can help users manage data collection up to the very last detail.
  • Advanced data analysis: Contrary to most popular open source tools used for data collection in USAID programs, ActivityInfo offers additional functionality integrated within the system. This means that users don’t need to export their data to analyze it. The platform offers advanced data analysis tools which allow users to work with data from different forms at the same time and help tackle notorious challenges such as double counting. Having such a comprehensive overview on the data collected enhances learning and data-driven decision making for the program and the organization as a whole.
  • Advanced user management: All colleagues or partner organizations can be invited to contribute to the database based on their assigned role. ActivityInfo offers advanced permission capabilities which allows users to control various types of access up to the record level or based on the partner type, location or any other parameter. Then, using webhooks for automations, users can set up specific types of follow up actions or alerts.


  • API integrations and Exports: ActivityInfo offers an API which allows users to connect the information system (databases) and the data collected in it with any platform needed. Multiple organizations make use of ActivityInfo’s integration with PowerBI, QGIS and other visualization tools to create advanced, dynamic dashboards. In addition, many organizations link their databases to other external systems used in the organization so as to collaborate seamlessly with other departments. Users can integrate their ActivityInfo databases with USAID systems and ensure they always provide these systems with real-time data. All data and reports can be easily exported from ActivityInfo in several formats too. This makes it easy for users to import them to other systems, if they prefer not to use the API integration.

Data security

  • ISO27001 certified company: USAID requires strong information security controls in their implementing partners and ActivityInfo meets the highest standards, including ISO-27001. The ActivityInfo company undergoes a yearly external audit to achieve the ISO 27001 certification. Since 2022, the company is ISO 27001 certified, which serves as a testament to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data entrusted to the ActivityInfo platform. The certification works as formal assurance that the company’s ISMS is aligned with international information security best practices and certifies that we have the right processes and procedures in place to provide a secure environment for our service.
  • GDPR and other data privacy laws compliance: ActivityInfo is GDPR compliant and is actively collaborating with organizations to detect and comply with country specific laws and regulations.
  • Hosting and backups: builds on the Google Cloud Platform, which runs in Google’s world-class secure data centers where strict physical security is implemented by Google. Google’s App Engine meets the ISO 27001:2005, a comprehensive international security certification which is verified by an external auditor and checked regularly thereafter. When using the ActivityInfo SaaS version your data is stored in servers in multiple, redundant data centers in the EU.
  • Encryption, SSO, audit logs, and advanced user permissions: From the moment data moves from the user’s browser to the ActivityInfo web servers, it is encrypted. All data stored in the platform is encrypted at rest. This ensures that the data will be private and integral at all times. ActivityInfo can integrate with external Identity Providers and offer a Single-Sign On experience to users. Organizations can extend two-factor authentication policies to ActivityInfo and users can sign in with their work account to ActivityInfo. Last but not least, audit logs contain information about all user and data actions and advanced permissions allow users to fine grain control over access.
  • Self-managed Server: ActivityInfo offers a Self-managed Server which allows users to install ActivityInfo on premise on Windows or Linux, as well as in a customer-managed cloud account. This makes it possible to run ActivityInfo on a network not accessible via the public internet, including air-gapped networks and is a solution for organizations that need to conform with strict internal or external regulations.


  • Flexible and cost-effective: USAID encourages the use of cost effective solutions and has a restriction of a maximum of $25,000 per project to be spent on non-US suppliers. In ActivityInfo, users can access all features via a subscription. The cost is dependent on the type and amount of users and there is no limitation on the amount of databases users can build, nor on the data collected. The cost can be divided across multiple projects or programs, as there is no limitation from the provider’s side on that. This way organizations stay under the per project threshold requirement. Compared to other information system solutions, ActivityInfo is more flexible and cost effective too.

USAID programmes and projects using ActivityInfo

Here are some examples of organizations using ActivityInfo for the M&E activities of their USAID funded projects:

The Youth Excel Program, IREX, global

IREX is a global development and education organization with a presence in over 100 countries. Youth Excel is a five year, global, cross-sectoral, $30m program. It is USAID funded and aims at improving the capacity of youth-led and youth serving organizations to use data and evidence to support Positive Youth Development initiatives using Implementation Research. The programme uses ActivityInfo to conduct surveys and to collect data related to their activities. Watch the Webinar Survey design & Implementation: Real life examples from the field with CARE, Missio Invest and IREX to learn more about the USAID funded program Youth Excel.

Strategic Report - Dashboard in ActivityInfo
Strategic Report - Dashboard in ActivityInfo
Stakeholders Survey - Dashboard in ActivityInfo
Stakeholders Survey - Dashboard in ActivityInfo

Early Grade Education Activity Asas, IREX, national

The goal of the USAID Early Grade Education Activity, Asas is to advance national efforts to strengthen the caliber of pre-and in-service education and improve Kindergarten through Grade 3 foundational and socioemotional skills across the Kingdom of Jordan. The country team uses ActivityInfo to conduct various surveys and collect information about their activities. Some examples include: Participant sign-in form, Student Voice Analysis , TRA - Novice Teachers, Faculty Members Satisfaction Survey and a Staff well-being survey. Watch our Webinar Survey design & Implementation: Real life examples from the field with CARE, Missio Invest and IREX to learn more about the USAID funded program Early Grade Education Activity Asas.

Graduating to Resilience, AVSI in Uganda

The AVSI Foundation, leading a consortium with Trickle Up and AIR is implementing the Graduating to Resilience project in Western Uganda, a project which has been commended for its results by a USAID Administrator. It is a project funded by the Office of Food for Peace, USAID and has the goal to graduate extremely poor refugee households who fled from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Ugandan vulnerable households from conditions of food insecurity and fragile livelihoods to self-reliance and resilience.

The AVSI Foundation M&E team in Uganda uses ActivityInfo to bring together the information gathered in the various MIS and M&E systems that each project has developed. This way the team can aggregate data storage, data analysis and reporting for all the country projects, as whole. All projects are expected to enter their aggregated information or upload primary data to the central database in ActivityInfo, at a quarterly frequency. This helps the organization collect Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each sector. It also allows the organization to track the project implementation progress and to have a clear overview of the contribution of each project to each sector.

Read more about the projects the AVSI Foundation monitors using ActivityInfo in our Case Study From strategic to project level data, the AVSI Foundation in Uganda elevates evidence-based M&E with a centralized MIS platform.

Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity, ACDI/VOCA, national

ACDI/VOCA’s projects are very diverse in terms of location, funding, team size and skills. Project teams need to report to the project donor which is often the US government (USAID and USDA) and there are very specific regulations that need to be followed. The Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock and Nutrition Activity is a five-year, $20.5M activity which aims to sustainably increase livestock productivity, marketability, and consumption of livestock products for improved nutrition and incomes for one million livestock-producing households and firms in the 23 target districts in Bangladesh’s Zone of Influence and Zone of Resilience. The organization uses ActivityInfo to support data collection and reporting for the activity.

Read more about how ACDI/VOCA manages M&E at the global level and supports the success of over 25 project teams with a common MIS platform, in our Case Study and explore the project here.

How to include budget for ActivityInfo in your USAID proposal

USAID has listed ActivityInfo among the technologies that can support data collection and processing in USAID funded programs. But how can you ensure you will be successful in including the cost for an Information System (ActivityInfo) in your program’s budget?

Making the case for ActivityInfo

  • Justifying the need and aligning it with accountability goals: Demonstrate the clear need for an M&E software solution for your program. Explain how ActivityInfo’s functionalities align with USAID’s priorities and objectives for data management and emphasize how the software will enhance your ability to track, report and evaluate the program outcomes while maintaining data secure. If your program includes multiple stakeholders, regions or requires tracking indicators over time explain how basic M&E tools and processes can fail short in supporting it. Also, describe the long-term impact, quantifying it if possible as far as efficiency is concerned (e.g. reduced manual data entry errors, streamlined reporting, system sustainability if handed over to the local partner, etc.)
  • Justifying the cost: Cost is a key factor for USAID funded programs but so is reliable and timely data, and ensuring data security and confidentiality. ActivityInfo is not open source but it is easily scalable, offers a variety of key features and data security guarantees which create added value for USAID programs, while it remains cost effective in relation to alternatives. In addition, technical support and maintenance is included in the subscription cost. Another point to consider is the return on time saved; how much time (and consequently funds, e.g. on staff costs) would a comprehensive solution save for your program? For more information on this, read our article, Calculating ActivityInfo’s ROI for your organization.
  • Comparing with open source: When doing a comparative analysis you might be asked why not using an open source solution instead. When dealing with software costs, you should consider hidden costs which come both in the form of funds and time. Open source solutions often require additional effort for their set-up and technical support isn't always guaranteed. Although you can resort to online communities for advice, the support comes at a time price, and no one is obliged to help. And if there is an urgent issue, qualified agencies and consultants come at a premium price and long-term engagement. In addition, depending on the solution, data security and confidentiality guarantees are not always clear. For more arguments, please read our Whitepaper Off the shelf, external contractors or building your own application: When off-the-shelf is your best option for your information management needs.

Budgeting in the proposal

  • Budget line dedicated to M&E software: Make sure to add a line in the budget section to cover the expense for M&E software. This ensures that the cost of the subscription to ActivityInfo is considered and justified from the beginning but also serves as proof to the donor that you have a consolidated action plan for your information management activities. Not sure what the cost will be? Use our quote generator to create a formal, no-obligation quote for your program’s needs.
  • Break down the rest of the related costs: Think of other costs that might arise from the use of ActivityInfo and include them in the budget (e.g. training for staff, onboarding sessions, etc.), specify if they are a one-time or a periodic cost. If you’re providing cost share (i.e., matching funds), highlight any contributions that might reduce USAID’s financial burden for the software. For example, if a partner organization will provide in-kind training, include it as part of the cost-share.
  • Complement budget with an M&E plan: Show a realistic M&E plan and how ActivityInfo will support it and provide a timeline for all the implementation phases of ActivityInfo. Make sure to integrate the software from the very beginning of the design.
  • Provide evidence and showcase expertise: Mention other USAID funded programs using ActivityInfo (you can use the resources in this article) or share your own experience with past projects using ActivityInfo that were successful
  • Consult USAID Mission M&E specialists: If possible, seek advice and feedback on your proposals and can help you ensure you are on the right track.

Curious to see ActivityInfo in action? Never hesitate to contact us for a customized demo.

USAID documents for further reading