ActivityInfo as an alternative to DevResults for USAID programmes

DevResults is a web-based application which, much like ActivityInfo, addresses the challenges of monitoring the progress of projects, programmes, and organizations in international development. As we are getting more questions about the difference between ActivityInfo and DevResults, we developed this short guide to help you navigate between the two alternatives and to help you understand when ActivityInfo is more suitable.

Both ActivityInfo and DevResults allow you to create relationships between your datasets, offer built-in geographic databases, and allow for document and image data collection. However, as the two platforms come from diverse backgrounds, they offer a different set of functionalities based on their approach.

So depending on your needs and budget you can consider one of the two alternatives based on a set of criteria:

Focus on information management versus project management

In terms of functionality, the most striking difference between the two platforms has probably to do with the approach to monitoring and evaluation.

ActivityInfo offers functionalities that support information management across the complete data cycle; from data collection and data management to analysis and visualization. With ActivityInfo you can collect and aggregate key indicators from project to global level but also conduct surveys and track beneficiaries’ progress across individual or multiple projects, programmes or organizations. ActivityInfo offers a mobile data collection app that is integrated with the platform as well as built-in analysis and visualization tools and powerful external integrations.

Also, it is very easy and fast to translate data collection forms and the database schemas to multiple languages to facilitate multilingual teams working with the data.

Overall, ActivityInfo offers an all-in-one system for information management which can be adjusted by the user whenever that is needed.

On the other hand, as DevResults focuses more on the project management aspect of monitoring, it lacks a mobile app but you will find features such as work plans, calendars, logs of notes and comments, and document generation which are currently not available in ActivityInfo.

System configuration

ActivityInfo has been built with the objective to make information management accessible to all. For this reason, the database structures, form and subform structures, roles, reports and dashboards can always be changed and adjusted by the user as the programme or project evolves. Users can even recover deleted data on their own, with a single click from an audit log of actions.

In DevResults, the initial system is built during a setup and configuration phase. The content in the system can be configurable but there are some limitations (website accessed on May 2024).

Mobile data collection

ActivityInfo offers a fully integrated mobile data collection app which works both on Android and iOS and supports online and offline data collection on mobile devices.

Because data is added to your databases and is ready for analysis the moment it's collected, there is no need for additional data collection systems or importing data to the system unless that is your preference. This reduces time spent on data transfers and the consequent friction in the data collection process. This integrated functionality simplifies collaboration, particularly when working on surveys and case management.

DevResults integrates with external mobile applications which means that some additional steps for syncing the two systems would be needed.


Another important difference is pricing. We have designed ActivityInfo to be easy to use, so that customers can work on the platform without depending on or being blocked by our team. This means that users can set up the system on their own while there is available optional additional support when required. Moreover, from our side we keep the costs per customer low thanks to economies of scale.

As a result with ActivityInfo onboarding support is optional and starts at €500 whereas setup and configuration costs in DevResults depend on the program size and range from $33,000 to over $120,000 per year (website accessed on May 2024).

In case an organization needs support with getting started with the platform, ActivityInfo offers optional onboarding packages ranging between €500 and €12,500.

Then, subscription costs differ considerably. ActivityInfo offers subscriptions for organizations starting at €3 700 annually whereas DevResults annual subscriptions start at $28,000 and depend on the program size.

Data security

The ActivityInfo team is ISO 27001 certified. The Information Security Management System (ISMS) certificate serves as a testament to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data entrusted to the ActivityInfo platform. It acts as a formal assurance that our ISMS is aligned with international information security best practices and certifies that we have the right processes and procedures in place to provide a secure environment for our service.

DevResults is FedRAMP authorized under the US government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services with emphasis on security and protection of federal information.

Self-managed server

Last but not least, both products are available as Software as a Service (SaaS).

In addition to this, ActivityInfo offers a Self-managed Server that can be installed locally on your own server or cloud account so as to conform to potential internal or external regulations.

DevResults advises to avoid hosting DevResults locally (website accessed on May 2024).

These are the main differences between the two software, if you are considering alternatives to DevResults.

Do you wish to see ActivityInfo in practice, on a demo customized to your needs? Never hesitate to contact us!