ActivityInfo for M&E - One platform for the complete data lifecycle

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About the webinar

This ActivityInfo Demo Webinar is ideal for M&E professionals who are starting a new project and need a reliable, cost-effective M&E software solution or for colleagues still struggling to make M&E work in their programme.

During this session, we explore how ActivityInfo can support your work for the complete data lifecycle from data collection to data management, analysis, visualization and sharing. We look at how such integrated M&E software centralizes and streamlines information management at local, regional and HQ/global level with practical examples.

We discuss and showcase solutions for managing your data for:

  • Indicator tracking
  • Activity monitoring
  • Beneficiary tracking
  • Partner reporting
  • Surveys and more

View the presentation slides of the Webinar.

Is this Webinar for me?

  • Do you wish to replace multiple data collection and analysis tools with one integrated solution to improve data quality and reduce time and effort spent?
  • Are you looking for a reliable, cost-effective M&E software solution for your upcoming projects?
  • Struggling to make Monitoring and Evaluation work within your organization?

Then, watch our Webinar!

About the Presenter

Alexander Bertram, Executive Director of BeDataDriven and founder of ActivityInfo, is a graduate of the American University's School of International Service and started his career in international assistance fifteen years ago working with IOM in Kunduz, Afghanistan and later worked as an Information Management officer with UNICEF in DR Congo. With UNICEF, frustrated with the time required to build data collection systems for each new programme, he worked on the team that developed ActivityInfo, a simplified platform for M&E data collection. In 2010, he left UNICEF to start BeDataDriven and develop ActivityInfo full time. Since then, he has worked with organizations in more than 70 countries to deploy ActivityInfo for monitoring & evaluation.

Brendan O’Neill, Commercial Director at ActivityInfo is a graduate of the University of Virginia and holds advanced degrees from King’s College, London and Lund University. He has 10+ years of experience helping Humanitarian, Conservation and Development organizations implement enterprise information systems. He has a passion for teaching and lifelong learning, serving as adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University and having authored the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Do-it-Yourself Geo Apps.

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