Survey design and implementation

Welcome to the course “Survey Design and Implementation”. This is a series of two sessions addressed to M&E professionals working in the social sector.

The sessions will help you get a comprehensive understanding of all the steps involved in survey design such as developing questionnaires and ethical considerations and in survey implementation such as designing tools and methods for data collection, monitoring and analyzing results.

These are free training sessions provided by the ActivityInfo team.

Are these sessions for me?

  • Are you working in projects or programs in which you are called to develop, monitor and analyze surveys?
  • Are you looking for guidance on good practices for survey design and implementation?

Then, get started with these sessions!

Survey design for quantitative data collection

During this session, we will be offering an overview of the basics of evaluation in humanitarian assistance.

In summary, we explore:

To survey or not to survey?

  • Factors determining the decision to implement a survey

Questionnaire development

  • Steps in questionnaire development

  • Standards for developing questionnaires

  • Best practices for questionnaire development:

  • Tips for writing questions

  • How to format the questionnaire?

  • Tips to ensure data quality

Ethical considerations in design phase

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Survey implementation

During this session, we introduce you to survey implementation basic considerations both for the preparation and the implementation phase. We look into sector-specific surveys and cross-cutting surveys.

In summary, we explore:

Preparing to implement M&E surveys:

  • Resourcing and logistics
  • Training enumerators and data collectors

Implementing M&E surveys:

  • Data collection methods and tools design
  • Ensuring data quality and reliability
  • Data quality enforcement (examples with ActivityInfo)
  • Validation (examples with ActivityInfo)

Additional topics:

  • Ethical considerations in survey implementation
  • Monitoring results
  • Analysis of results (examples with ActivityInfo)

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