Release Standalone 4.2.0
Released on Dec 31, 2023 and includes the following:
- AI-2588 FIXED: User is allowed to save edited record after entering incorrect option
- AI-2596 FIXED: Reference field should clearly state if a Form has been deleted or if user does not have access to the Referenced form
- AI-2776 FIXED: Cannot refresh on the mobile app
- AI-2826 FIXED: Permissions card in user management shows incorrect permission as preview
- AI-2861 FIXED: Formulas referencing complex calculated fields slow formula designer
- AI-2935 FIXED: Table view crashes if a form references itself or another form with circular reference
- AI-2956 FIXED: Table view of subform with certain combination of the keys from parents and other subforms crashes
- AI-2957 FIXED: Login screen freezes due to URL not being well constructed
- AI-3023 FIXED: Sections appear as completed even when having invalid fields
- AI-3092 FIXED: Published dashboard reports page flicker
- AI-3093 FIXED: Incomplete rendering of dashboard maps
- AI-3102 FIXED: Fix deactivated users that are counted towards the user limit
- AI-3114 FIXED: Text is truncated for buttons in My reports section in certain languages
- AI-3121 FIXED: Fix handling of deleted/updated records
- AI-3129 FIXED: Reports that contain forms with public permission are not viewable when published
- AI-3131 FIXED: Cannot move dashboard reports in synced databases
- AI-3137 FIXED: Key fields longer than 130 characters are not updated/matched
- AI-3142 FIXED: Two cards can be opened at the same time in form design
- AI-3151 FIXED: Fix Dashboard centering in view mode
- AI-3152 FIXED: Line charts with continuous scales should not have padding on start and end
- AI-3169 FIXED: URL is incorrectly constructed when accessing a bookmark on a organization based authentication
- AI-3172 FIXED: Stack overflow when trying to access collection link in a form with circular reference
- AI-3176 FIXED: Combination of subform referencing and 3rd layer reference breaks the add records screen
- AI-3185 FIXED: Setting up relevance rules with empty value breaks the form designer
- AI-3186 FIXED: Add field button disappears in form design after deleting a field while the card selection is open
- AI-3187 FIXED: timestamp _lastEditTime cannot be added in formulas with reference forms
- AI-3193 FIXED: References cannot be selected when downloading a template in the new version
- AI-3198 FIXED: Make database owners visible in user type fields
- AI-3202 FIXED: If a user leaves a database or deletes himself from the user list, this event should be added to the audit log
- AI-3204 FIXED: Cannot add records when having a calculated field with a longitude or latitude formula
- AI-3207 FIXED: Importer incorrectly marks reference field as invalid in some conditions
- AI-3211 FIXED: Stack overflow when importing in forms with circular reference
- AI-3212 FIXED: When importing records to a form with many references, validation fails to complete in a reasonable amount of time
- AI-3213 FIXED: Partners are unable to add data in 3rd layer subform that re-references the partner form
- AI-3214 FIXED: Importer is incorrectly parsing other date formats
- AI-3216 FIXED: Importer review screen is wrongly displaying the duplicate rows
- AI-3217 FIXED: Record ID's of children references cannot be imported
- AI-3222 FIXED: Key date values are duplicated when importing in an offline database
- AI-3225 FIXED: Table view does not load in mobile version if the Group activities database is downloaded for offline use
- AI-3228 FIXED: Validation process stopping while importing by DAYS function
- AI-3229 FIXED: Cannot import in 2nd layer subforms if the previous subform has Serial number field
- AI-3230 FIXED: Trying to import with unmatched keys that are used in a validation rule breaks the importer
- AI-3231 FIXED: Importer and update APIs accept invalid dates
- AI-3232 FIXED: PowerBI API fails if results contains dates that are not well-formed
- AI-3233 FIXED: Referenced subforms that are not keys are not displayed in add record screen
- AI-3234 FIXED: Validation process stopping while importing by Serial number
- AI-3237 FIXED: Select fields that are hidden combined with other fields can break the improter
- AI-3240 FIXED: User can exceed field type limitations when pasting from spreadsheet
- AI-3241 FIXED: Unmatched key fields in subforms break the importer if relevance rules refer to the parent form
- AI-3242 FIXED: If a selection field has 2 options, where option 2 ("1.b") starts with a name of option 1 ("1"), then formula "selection.1" is invalid
- AI-3243 FIXED: Importer incorrectly complains about "Not all keys of the referenced form are present" in some conditions
- AI-3245 FIXED: Imports with more than 200 records and cells containing only spaces will fail
- AI-3246 FIXED: Moving a form to another folder fails when viewing database settings in a translated language
- AI-3266 FIXED: Unmatched references with multiple keys break the importer
- AI-3267 FIXED: Query 5 - Referencing the parent twice will break the importer
- AI-3272 FIXED: Reference data is not correctly validated in data entry if the reference data is selected from bottom to top
- AI-3276 FIXED: Query 5 - Importer error messages are incorrect in some cases
- AI-3277 FIXED: Import records job should provide feedback on invalid updates
- AI-3285 FIXED: Function calls should be correctly validated
- AI-3288 FIXED: No record selected sub-text is hidden in the background color of the side panel
- AI-3303 FIXED: R queryReportResults function is not reading in all field characters
- AI-3307 FIXED: Cannot revert deleted Roles in the audit log due to malformed request sent
- AI-3340 FIXED: Months in different format are not parsed correctly
- AI-3341 FIXED: Language in mobile app switches back to English after a few records are entered
- AI-3342 FIXED: Formula breaks interface for users who do not have permission to access subforms
- AI-3344 FIXED: Improve XLSForm Import
- AI-3350 FIXED: Form designer breaks when setting a validation rule on a Single select field that refers to itself
- AI-3351 FIXED: "Forgot password" and "Change" buttons are not translated in any language for the login page
- AI-3353 FIXED: Review step is skipped in the importer if there are invalid records present
- AI-3362 FIXED: Collection link forms do not have a language selector
- AI-3373 FIXED: Fix text color in different areas of AI
- AI-3374 FIXED: Improve efficiency of synchronization endpoint for users with limited permissions
- AI-3375 FIXED: The API should validate form schema updates
- AI-3376 FIXED: Split button broken for reports
- AI-3380 FIXED: Formula is not uglified for validation rules and can break data entry page
- AI-3386 FIXED: Importer doesn't enforce Date range locks and Rule based locks
- AI-3395 FIXED: Importing section headers with relevance rules breaks the form designer
- AI-3399 FIXED: Edit restriction is not enforced when importing if the Rule based lock is set on a non key field
- AI-3402 FIXED: The units under quantity fields are not translated
- AI-3404 FIXED: Accessing an invalid application page doesn't display the "not found" page
- AI-3405 FIXED: Long field labels can cause spacing issues in the form designer
- AI-3411 FIXED: Cannot import in subforms with Parent record ID
- AI-3420 FIXED: Validation/relevance rules pointing to single select fields in multi layer references break the import validation
- AI-3421 FIXED: Fields cannot be set as key if they contain relevance rules
- AI-3422 FIXED: Duplicating selection fields and altering the options will make translations not work for original options in the field
- AI-3423 FIXED: Form duplication feature duplicates the ID's of the options in select type fields
- AI-3424 FIXED: Error message displayed when reordering in keys with relevance rules in form designer
- AI-3435 FIXED: The API allows submission of duplicate serial numbers
- AI-3437 FIXED: Include form schema changes in audit log
- AI-3439 FIXED: In some cases, an outdated offline cache can prevent the application from loading
- AI-3451 FIXED: Date range locks inactive functionality doesn't work when there are other active date locks present on the same form/folder
- AI-3466 FIXED: Cannot filter table view with double quotes character
- AI-3468 FIXED: Users that surpass text limit restrictions are not able to synchronize
- AI-3469 FIXED: Export all quantities fails with server error message
- AI-3475 FIXED: Export menu is cut off if a form with a high number of subforms
- AI-3490 FIXED: Missing loading indicator for database and folder pages
- AI-3491 FIXED: It should not be possible to create a role with a NULL ID though the API
- AI-3494 FIXED: Maps fail to load for certain versions of Safari when WebGL is disabled
- AI-3498 FIXED: The Switch account button doesn't re-direct the user to the previously accessed URL of the Report
- AI-3517 FIXED: Export CSV option is not present in report view
- AI-3521 FIXED: "Edit report" button is misleading for users who can save a copy but are not allowed to edit a shared/database report
- AI-3537 FIXED: Importer crashes if TODAY() used in validation rule in combination with DAYS() function
- AI-3542 FIXED: Export all attachments fail if there is more than one file with the same name but no extension
- AI-3548 FIXED: Measures card cannot be reordered in the columns/rows sections
- AI-3549 FIXED: Totals are not displayed when measures card is combined with any dimension
- AI-3553 FIXED: Relevance/validation rules based on reference single select fields can break the importer validation
- AI-3557 FIXED: Totals are not calculated for all dimensions in some reports
- AI-3574 FIXED: Include access to user email in formulas for user fields
- AI-3582 FIXED: Long field labels are getting truncated in data entry
- AI-3589 FIXED: Database list in mobile app has no empty state
- AI-3613 FIXED: Query 5 - Blank locked values for select fields crash
- AI-3615 FIXED: Blank values in locked fields are blocking sub-record entry because the add button in greyed out
- AI-3616 FIXED: When scrolling through visualization types pivot table view might remain greyed out and has to be reselected in order to work
- AI-3633 FIXED: Not providing the parameter range when updating via the API crashes the User management view
- AI-3659 FIXED: For users with slower internet connections, visualizations may fail to load entirely
- AI-3661 FIXED: Sorting quantity fields with blank values results in incorrect ordering
- AI-3667 FIXED: Adding a second subrecord in a subform that contains a serial number field will break the subrecord card display
- AI-3674 FIXED: Users who surpass the multi-line text character limit are unable to sync data
- AI-3682 FIXED: Referenced locked records cannot be selected in collection links
- AI-3732 FIXED: The filter is not automatically removed when deselecting last option in filter by menu
- AI-3735 FIXED: A hidden field with a validation error should not prevent a record from being saved
- AI-3737 FIXED: Batch imports consider 0 as blank
- AI-3787 FIXED: When offline on a mobile device, databases which have not been downloaded are still selectable but show an empty screen when clicked
- AI-3794 FIXED: Implement empty states for databases/forms which are not available due to no connection
- AI-3797 FIXED: Comparisons between select field types amongst parent and subform does not correctly filter the view for subform records
- AI-3801 FIXED: Implement missing non-ideal states for mobile app
- AI-3827 FIXED: User management checkboxes are closing the role resource card without saving changes when selected
- AI-3840 FIXED: XLSForm importer breaks if curly quotes are used in formulas instead of straight quotes
- AI-3857 FIXED: Calculated field with string formulas or simple calculations are not displayed in the data entry for both mobile and web versions
- AI-3868 FIXED: Exception when viewing database page of which contains a public form
- AI-3869 FIXED: Duplicating databases with error in formula fails
- AI-3870 FIXED: Importing into a locked form which does not have keys breaks
- AI-3871 FIXED: Importing into a form with a hidden serial number field breaks
- AI-3873 FIXED: Admins cannot edit reports
- AI-3889 FIXED: Recovering records in audit log fails
- AI-3890 FIXED: Importer breaks when only latitude of longitude of a geopoint is matched
- AI-3891 FIXED: Importer cannot validate columns with validation rules based on unprovided fields/columns
- AI-3895 FIXED: No warning message for edited grant when role changed
- AI-3896 FIXED: Inherited locks on subforms based on parent forms are not handled correctly
- AI-3901 FIXED: Ignoring or not providing the Serial number when importing will result in any column that is next to it to not be imported
- AI-3917 FIXED: Subform aggregation formulas do not work with other formulas in relevance and validation when adding new record
- AI-3923 FIXED: Users with explicit form grants do not have access to user form in data entry while offline
- AI-3924 FIXED: Error in computing relevance formulas when forms are not accessible
- AI-3930 FIXED: Users can move away without saving changes made on permissions on role cards and extra user grants from database design page
- AI-3935 FIXED: Month field type keys are sometimes treated as duplicates in the importer when other keys are involved
- AI-3936 FIXED: Month and Week fields accept invalid dates when importing
- AI-3937 FIXED: Section headers appear in mobile data entry as text fields and are blocking record entry
- AI-3953 FIXED: Queries started by data entry interface continue to run after entry is closed, leading to progressive performance degredation
- AI-3967 FIXED: Submit request should be sent only once when pressing submit on mobile
- AI-3998 FIXED: Subform relevance rules are incorrectly transformed when the relevance rule contains a reference to the parent record
- AI-2185 Filter pivot tables
- AI-2324 Importer should enforce relevance and validation rules
- AI-2457 Relevance condition for subforms
- AI-2497 Add help link in Formula Editor for ISBLANK
- AI-2563 When selecting a reference Form, automatically scroll right
- AI-2577 Include role parameters in user export
- AI-2806 Support dates for MIN() and MAX()
- AI-2844 In-Place Reference Record Creation
- AI-3021 Calculated measures
- AI-3111 Query 5 Importer
- AI-3118 Grant-based roles
- AI-3177 Remove fuzzy matching from the importer
- AI-3209 Fix for REGEX functions when multiple records are present
- AI-3227 Add Pashto language
- AI-3244 Add GREAT_CIRCLE function to compute distance between two lat/lng points
- AI-3249 Support long form queries
- AI-3250 Reverse Reference Fields
- AI-3251 Form Field Duplication
- AI-3252 Support update of records based on serial number when importing records
- AI-3284 Reduce confusion around "leave database" option
- AI-3336 Query5 record data entry
- AI-3413 Add Slovak Language
- AI-3486 Condition editor for roles in grants
- AI-3551 Export reports as XLSX
- AI-3591 FILTER() function for calculated measures
- AI-3640 ADDCOLUMNS() function
- AI-3660 Billing Account API endpoints
- AI-3669 LAST function
- AI-3670 FIRST function
- AI-3736 Bulgarian language
- AI-3786 Allow form designers to constrain attachment fields to a single type of upload (i.e. file upload, camera image upload, or signature)
- AI-3962 Show required user license type in the user management view
- AI-4005 Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in Self-Managed Version
- AI-3427 Calculated tables
- AI-3631 LOOKUP function
- AI-3946 Balkan languages