Médicos del Mundo

Médicos del Mundo works to make the right to health effective for all people, especially for vulnerable populations, through projects in Spain and in 19 countries in America, Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

Médicos del Mundo uses ActivityInfo for:

  1. Case management: Both in the programmes in Spain and in Latin America, we are attending rights-holders, providing them with health, social and psychological care, among others. We are also tracking the activities carried out in our projects by registering participants and evaluating their performance (i.e., in case of trainings).
  2. Conducting studies: Both project baselines and needs assessments, or simply specific surveys to measure certain indicators, are carried out with ActivityInfo in several countries.
  3. Project management: and indicator reporting: ActivityInfo is a widely used tool to create databases for our current projects to report their indicators, which in turn are linked to the indicators of our strategic plan.

“We are very satisfied with ActivityInfo and, although we have not yet explored its full potential, we are eager to continue to work with it and see the application evolve with the introduction of new features that will help us with data management and analysis” — Emanuele Lini, MEAL Advisor, International Program Department